Electroplating is the process of depositing one metal on the other using electrochemical process.
Electropolishing is the process of removing material from metallic workpiece. It is primarily used to remove sharp edges, burrs etc. It is called reverse electroplating.
Electro forming is the process of depositing a thin layer of metal parts on mandrel. After the process the mandrel is removed leaving the electro deposited layer.
Anodising is the process used to increase the thickness of oxide layer on the surface of metal parts. Anodising is commonly used for aluminium, however, it can also be done using titanium, Zinc, Magnesium etc.
Electrochemical etching is the process of high resolution marking onto surface of the metal for component identification and traceability
It is the process of correcting burrs. The process is similar to electropolishing.
The chemical process of extraction of metals via electrochemical process.
Electro cleaning
The process of removal of soil, scale and corrosion products by subjecting it to current is called electro cleaning. There are 2 types of cleaning, they include cathodic and anodic cleaning.
It is least common process of all. It is used for safe process of water treatment needs.
The electrochemical process of removing contaminants and toxic elements from water is called electrocoagulation.
Cathodic Protection
The electrochemical process of protecting the metal structure from corrosion underwater is called cathode protection. In this process the metal structure acts as cathode.
Wave lasers are driven by pulse DC current to produce an output that is continuous over time.
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